Newsletter Volume 1 No. 2


TCS Newsletter


P.O. Box 35061, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Fax: 255-51-410038
Tel: 255-51-410038 or 410500/25 ext. 2048/2111 or 410219

Volume 1, No 2    January, 1999
  • From the Editor's Desk
  • Focus: The TCS Inaugural Conference
  • TCS Activities since the last Issue
  • Events: Past and Upcoming
  • Tanzania well Rated in Chemistry -Reachout Output
  • Orbituary

    Dear colleagues,

    As we begin the year 1999 I feel happy to salute you with the secondissue of the TCS Newsletter. Many of you readers are aware of the factthat this year TCS is organizing the inaugural conference. This issue ofthe Newsletter will focus on this important forthcoming event. As I lookforward to that happy and stimulating reunion, I wish you all success inpreparation to attend the conference. I also take this occasion to thankall who have paid their registration and annual subscription fees and encourageothers to do the same. Please make sure your employer becomes an institutionalmember for everyone's good.

    Dr. Stephen J.M. Mdachi,
    Chemistry Department,
    University of Dar es Salaam,
    P.O. Box 35061,
    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
    Tel/Fax: +255-51-410038

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    The TCS inaugural conference will be held from July 11th to16th 1999in Dar es Salaam. The organizers are working hard to ensure that participantsbenefit fully from the scientific programme and enjoy their stay in Dares Salaam. More information about the conference will be provided in thesecond conference announcement. Among other things, the announcement willlet you know about the deadline for submission of title and abstract ofyour aper/poster, conference registration fees, details on conference venueand other details that will facilitate your smooth stay in Dar es Salaam.The conferenceÕs scientific programme will consist of plenary, oraland poster presentations and exhibitions.


    Conference Objectives

  • To bring together and foster interaction amongst chemists, scientists inallied disciplines, technologists, and those involved in chemical, pharmaceuticaland other industries.
  • To focus on prospects for development of sustainable chemistry researchin Tanzania and in the region.

  • 16th July 1999: TCS MembersÕ General Annual Meeting. On thelast day of the conference, July 16th 1999, the TCS membersÕ generalmeeting will be held. The main purpose of this meeting will be to receiveand appraise all the achievements of TCS. The agenda will include, amongothers, the following items:

    • To receive an updated membership list.
    • To receive and appraise financial statements.
    • To receive a report on strategies toward establishing international researchcollaborations (research affiliations).
    • To receive a report on the progress of the Journal of Tanzania ChemicalSociety.


    The following is a brief outline of activities which were undertakenduring this time interval:

    • Publishing this issue (second) of the TCS Newsletter.
    • Membership registration has continued albeit at a slow pace.

    • Certificates have been printed and will be posted to registered members.
    • Application for IUPAC membership: TCS applied for Observer Organizationstatus in IUPAC and was approved .TCS has already paid the membership fees.

    Fund raising campaign for forthcoming TCS activities:

    The governing officials and other TCS members in Chemistry Department- UDSM have tried out personal face to face contacts with the chief executivesof potential TCS financing institutions to drum up support for our society.Most of the institutions visited were enthusiastic, receptive, positiveand willing to support TCS. Institutions contacted included: UNESCO, Agip,Shellys Pharmaceuticals, Coca Cola, Tanzania Portland Cement Co., TCC,UNDP, JICA and TBL. Many other industries/institutions are being visited.

    By the courtesy of the Faculty of Science, UDSM, Professor Donnati M.S.Mosha (Chairman) was able to visit TPRI to drum-up support to TCS, learnmore about pesticide issues and familiarize himself with the research componentat this research centre.

    • TCS has launched its internet home page and can be visited on our websiteour website All affairs and matters relating to TCS eg. constitution, thefounding meeting proceedings, application forms, Journal of the TanzaniaChemical Society (instructions to authors), updates etc. may be accessedat this website.
    • Establishing international research affiliations/collaborations: Effortstowards establishing research partnerships are afoot from various cycles.The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Sub-SaharanAfrica Project has invited two top TCS officials to participate in a workshopof US and African chemical societies, to be held April 8-10, 1999, at theUniversity of Pretoria in South Africa. This activity could not take placein 1998 as planned. The purpose of the workshop is to develop tangibleways the societies can work together for their mutual advantage, i.e. tostrengthen African chemical societies while also providing benefits toUS chemists. The TCS position will be presented there. Efforts are underwayto seek USA/TCS partnership collaborations through the National ScienceFoundation (NSF).
    • Acquisition of a functioning independent TCS phone: For easier direct accessto TCS headquarters, a working direct phone +255-51-410219 is now installed.The fax number remains unchanged: +255-51-410038.


    A Professor Retires.

    Professor Adolf Mulokozi, Dr. rer. nat., D.Sc., an eminent academicand researcher at the Chemistry Department, University of Dar es Salaamhas retired. Professor Mulokozi who received doctoral and postdoctoralawards in the then Federal Republic of German came to the University ofDar es Salaam in the early seventies. His prolific publications in inorganicchemistry and allied fields won him a D.Sc. award from the University ofDar es Salaam. TCS and its national fraternity wishes the retired professora rewarding future after rendering commendable service over the years.

    M.Sc. Programme in Environmental Science launched.

    The Faculty of Science, UDSM has, in this academic year (1998/1999),launched a new M.Sc. programme in Environmental Science. This is a Coursework and dissertation programme . For details, contact: Faculty of Science,University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35065, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

    8th NAPRECA Symposium.

    The 8th NAPRECA Symposium will be held from 9th to 13th August 1999,at the University of Botswana, Gaborone. Theme: Management of AfricaÕsBiodiversity Through Natural Product Research. Contact: The Executive Secretary,Organising Committee, c/o Chemistry Department, University of Botswana,P/Bag 0022, Gaborone, Botswana. E-mail address: andsend copies to

    7th Frank Warren Conference on Organic Chemistry.

    The 7th Frank Warren Conference on Organic Chemistry will be held from26th to 29th September 1999 at the Aventura Spa Warmbaths, Northern Province,South Africa. This venue is within easy reach to Johannesburg. Theme: RecentAdvances in Fundamental and Applied Organic Chemistry. Contact: ProfessorGabriel J. Summers, P.O. Box 392, Pretoria 0003. Tel: 012-429-8020; Fax:012-429-8549: E-mail:

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    At the 7th ICCA and 34th SACI Convention, held July 1998 at the Universityof Natal, Durban, South Africa, Tanzania was highly rated (in the region)with respect to chemistry research output. This appraisal should strengthenour morale in research activities. Readers of this Newsletter are invitedto visit the headquarters of TCS, i.e Chemistry Department, UDSM, and familiarizethemselves with the state-of-the-art research going on.

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    Professor Katrine Seip Forland who passed away on 20th September 1998in Trondheim, Norway was a personality close to our hearts and endearedby many of the academics at the Chemistry Department, University of Dares Salaam and those who were taught by her during her many working visitsat the university. Professor Katrine was the widow of the late ProfessorTormod F¿rland who worked so hard and dedicated many of his lateryears toward building a strong chemistry department and saw his dream fora CPE department materialize at UDSM for the benefit of us all and forthe nation. The University of Dar es Salaam, in recognition of his immensecontribution, conferred on him an honorary doctorate (D.Sc.) of the Universityof Dar es Salaam. The Forlands are the individuals who spearheaded thetransformation of the chemistry department into a modern academic/researchfacility of repute, pioneered the Norwegian support (through NORAD) tochemistry and CPE departments and put in place a bridge between Norwayand Tanzania and left behind a shining example of the fruits of a Norway-Tanzaniapartnership: a flourishing chemistry fraternity in Tanzania, many chemistryprofessionals who studied under them, others who continue to use the variousbooks in thermodynamics, analytical and inorganic chemistry, and some ofthe experimental designs still in use todate. TCS pays tribute to its fallenheroes. May the almighty rest the soul of the late Katrine Forland in peace.



    Editor:    Dr. Stephen J.M. Mdachi
    Members:  Prof. Donnati M.S. Mosha
             Dr. Lupituko L. Mkayula
             Dr. Gaspar S. Mhinzi
             Dr. Cosam C. Joseph
             Dr. Joseph Buchweishaija

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